'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam Removal Guide

Do you know what 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam is?

'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam is one of the so-called sextortion scams, The hackers behind it claim to have naughty videos of a user and asks to pay a ransom in return for deleting the shameful material. Our computer security specialists say that these messages fall under the classification of fake alerts and that, in reality, hackers do not have any videos. If you want to know more details about this scam, such as how it might be spread and how it works, we invite you to read our full report. Needless to say, if you receive the 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam, you should not interact with it. You can find our full list of steps we recommend taking after receiving the fake alert at the end of this article. If you need more help or want to ask something else about this sextortion scam, we encourage you to leave us a message in the comments section.

We should start by explaining to you how you could receive 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam. If it looks like you sent the email to your account yourself, that is because the scam message was sent from your email. However, you do not have to worry about being crazy as the email was sent not by you but by the hackers behind this scam. There are a lot of ways how cybercriminals could gain access to your email.

For instance, your email address and your password might have been leaked during some data breach. Since breached login credentials are often sold on the dark web, it is possible that 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam’s distributors might have purchased them there. If you recycle your passcodes (use the same combination or similar ones everywhere), the hackers do not even need your email address's passcode. All they have to do is get one of your passwords and try using it on the accounts they wish to take control of. Also, if your email account has a weak passcode, it might be easy to hack. Consequently, we highly recommend using strong passwords as well as extra precautions like Two-Fact Authentication to protect your accounts. It is advisable to keep a reputable antimalware tool if you want to secure your computer too.

The 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam messages ought to claim they are coming from a person named Jeanson J. Ancheta. The letter should declare that this person is an experienced software developer and the best hacker. Besides, the scam's email ought to say that this person has been monitoring you for eight months or a similarly long period. It is explained that during this time, the cybercriminal was able to hack not only a targeted victim’s email address but also his computer. To make matters worse, the fake alert ought to claim that a victim was caught while watching pornographic content, and the hacker behind the scam has filmed it. Victims report that cybercriminals ask from 600 to 800 US dollars in exchange for not sharing the shameful material they claim to have with their friends or family.

Since none of what the 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam messages say is real besides the fact the hackers probably were able to hack a victim’s account, we advise not to put up with any demands. It is best not to interact with the email and erase it as fast as possible. Naturally, you should also make sure that hackers cannot log into your email account again. For full list of steps you should take if you come across 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam is located below this paragraph.

Get rid of 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam

  1. Delete the 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam messages.
  2. Change your email account’s password with a strong and unique combination that could not be hacked.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication or other safety precautions offered by your email’s provider.
  4. Scan your computer with a reputable antimalware tool to make sure there are no threats on it.

In non-techie terms:

'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam messages are designed to convince victims that cybercriminals have access to their system and were able to film how they watch pornographic content or similar material. Also, the fake alerts should claim that the hackers want to be paid in Bitcoins. If not, they threaten to send the proof of a victim's shameful actions that they claim to have, to a victim’s family or friends. Some users find the story convincing since such emails might be sent to their emails from their own accounts. Thus, the idea the hacker could have access to victims’ computers might sound realistic when you know they already have access to your email. However, computer security specialists claim that scammers have access only to users' emails. Therefore, if you receive the 'Jeanson J. Ancheta' Email Scam message, we advise you not to panic and not to interact with it. The full list of steps you should take if you come across these false alerts, is provided in the removal guide available above this paragraph.