Slovenská Polícia Virus Removal Guide

Do you know what Slovenská Polícia Virus is?

Slovenská Polícia Virus is a ransomware infection which is able to paralyze your computer’s system so that you cannot use the computer anymore. The reason why the virus acts like this is to prompt you to pay a sum of money for unlocking your PC. The encouragement to pay the ransom is in a form of a message, which occupies the whole screen. The message contains the credentials of the Slovakian police to make poor souls think that this law enforcement agency is responsible for the warning. However, the Slovakian police have nothing to do with the message you find on your screen; therefore, you should remove Slovenská Polícia Virus instead of paying the fine.

Below you will find some extracts from the bogus message, which should not be considered as legitimate, because it has been designed by sly cyber criminals:

Pozor! Váš počitač je zablokovaný kvôli aspoň jedného z dôvodov uvedených nizsie.
Slovenská Polícia Virus Removal GuideSlovenská Polícia Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

Boli ste porušenie «autorského práva a súvisiacich práv» (Video, Hudba, Software) a nedovolené použitie alebo distribûciu obsah chránený autorskými právami, a tým porušil článok 128 trestného zákonnika Slovenskej Republisky.

Boli ste chytení pri prezeraní alebo distribúciu zakázané produkcio pornografickým obsahom (Detská pornografia / Zoofilia a atd’)

The message contains imaginary accusations saying that the user might have violated the laws of copyright by using pirated material or have watched material of a pornographic nature. If you are not familiar with other ransomware infections, you might think that this case is serious and that you have to take some measures to deal with it. The truth is that Slovenská Polícia Virus is a variant of the infamous Ukash virus, which is spread mainly in the U.S. and European countries in different languages. For example, computer users have already come across Europol Ransomware Virus, Police on Web virus and other ransomware viruses that do not have anything in common with the institutions whose logos they contain in their pop-up messages.

Additionally, it is crucial to ignore the services through which the fine is expected to be paid. Paysafecard and Ukash paying systems should be disregarded, because the fact that they are present in the message does not mean anything. All that you need to do is remove Slovenská Polícia Virus from the system, because this is how you can get rid of this ransomware infection.

As not all computer users are experts on manual malware removal, it is highly advisable to remove Slovenská Polícia Virus with an automatic spyware removal tool, because a professional application can eliminate the virus and protect the computer against future malware attacks. We recommend using SpyHunter, which you will download and install successfully if you follow our instructions:

Windows Vista/7:

  1. Restart or turn the computer on.
  2. Before the Windows logo appears, press the F8 button.
  3. Use arrows keys to navigate to Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Go to and download SpyHunter.
  5. Install the program and run a scan.

Windows XP:

  1. Restart the computer and press F8 while the PC is restarting.
  2. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  3. If a new table appears, confirm that you want to login into Safe Mode with Networking by pressing Yes.
  4. Go to the Start menu.
  5. Launch Run.
  6. Type “msconfig” in the box given and press OK.
  7. Open the Startup tab.
  8. Disable all startup entries and press OK.
  9. Download SpyHunter and restart the PC in Normal Mode.
  10. Install the program and remove Slovenská Polícia Virus.

In non-techie terms:

Slovenská Polícia Virus is one of the Ukash viruses which you have to remove if you want to use the computer properly. This obstinate infection locks the system down and demands that you pay money, which you should not do, because it is enough to launch a scan of a reliable spyware removal tool and remove the pest, and the problem will be solved. The sooner you get rid of the virus, the sooner your PC is unlocked.

Aliases: Polícia Virus.