PC Optimizer Pro Removal Guide

Do you know what PC Optimizer Pro is?

PC Optimizer Pro is something that computer security experts continue to warn about every single day. Unfortunately, a big number of users still get infected with these kinds of threats. PC Optimizer Pro is a fake antivirus program else known as rogue antispyware. It means that it tries to pass for a legitimate antivirus tool in order to convince you that your system is infected with dangerous malware, and that you need to purchase the full version of PC Optimizer Pro in order to remove the said infections. Needless to say, that you need to remove PC Optimizer Pro itself from your PC as soon as possible.

It is very common for PC Optimizer Pro to enter your system via fake online scanners. It can also be distributed by browser hijackers, especially when you are redirected to corrupted website where clicking on one single link can result in the infection. Once the fake AV is downloaded and installed, it pops into action by performing a fake system scan. The scan results display a list of supposed malware infections that are plaguing your system. Obviously, the scan results are fake just as PC Optimizer Pro itself, but the fake AV tries to support its scan results by fake security notifications that constantly pop up on your desktop:

Suspicious software activity is detected by PC Optimizer Pro on your computer.
Please start system files scanning for details.
Name: taskmgr.exe
Name: C:\WINDOWS\taskmgr.exe

PC Optimizer Pro can even display legitimate system files as dangerous ones, so do not ever think of trusting this application. It only wants your credit card details, so that the cyber criminals behind this scam could access your bank account and steal your money. Do not believe a work PC Optimizer Pro says and keep your money to yourself.PC Optimizer Pro Removal GuidePC Optimizer Pro screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

If you want to remove PC Optimizer Pro manually, you can perform a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner to check the location of all associated files and then delete them. However, if you are not a computer expert, you should invest in a legitimate computer safeguard application that will delete PC Optimizer Pro for you automatically, at the same time protecting the system against similar infection. Do all it takes to destroy PC Optimizer Pro.

In non-techie terms:

PC Optimizer Pro is a rogue antispyware program or fake antivirus that wants your money and tries to convince you that you need to buy it in order to save your PC. Close the application and once and remove PC Optimizer Pro from your computer with a legitimate antivirus program.

Aliases: PCOptimizerPro.