Decrypt Protect Virus Removal Guide

Do you know what Decrypt Protect Virus is?

The malicious ransomware Decrypt Protect Virus is a computer threat which may enter your operating Windows system with a clandestine, treacherously running Trojan. Since this infection can act without your notice, you may discover its existence only when it is too late – your PC is locked without a possibility to access the desktop. As you may have witnessed yourself, you not only cannot access the desktop but you are also introduced to a strange notification. This is the main symptom of the threat, and at this point you should rush to delete Decrypt Protect Virus from the Windows system.

Even though the fictitious alert is embellished with such statements as ‘online security’ or ‘Working to Protect Internet Networks Worldwide’, it has nothing to do with your virtual security or legal privileges. Of course, the alert does look intimidating because it gives you an ultimatum of 48 hours to pay a fine for allegedly preformed cyber crimes:

You have 48 hours left to enter your payment.
You have lost control over your computer. Your system and all your files has been blocked and encrypted because you were spreading the Malware (viruses, trojans, worms).
You are breaking numerous International and USA laws.

Needless to say, the accusations are fictitious and you should not take any responsibility for them. This means that you should also ignore the presented fine, especially since paying it may have absolutely no benefit. The truth is that there are tens of different versions of this particular infection, and you may recognize them by such names as You have 48 hours left to enter your payment Virus or Green dot Moneypak Virus. All of them have been distributed to trick you into paying bogus fines for fictitious cyber crimes.
Decrypt Protect Virus Removal GuideDecrypt Protect Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

To remove Decrypt Protect Virus you either need to proceed manually or install automatic spyware detection and removal software. The first option is not recommended to inexperienced Windows users who may make mistakes instead of fixing the situation. Luckily, the reliable, authentic spyware removal tool SpyHunter is at your service and you can download it using the instructions below.

How to delete Decrypt Protect Virus?

Delete from Windows 8:

  1. Access the Metro UI start screen and launch a browser.
  2. Type and download SpyHunter’s installation file.
  3. Install the automatic spyware removal tool onto the PC and have all malicious infections removed.

Delete from Windows Vista or Windows 7:

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. As soon as BIOS loads up – start tapping the F8 key.
  3. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and tap Enter.
  4. Download SpyHunter.
  5. Install the tool onto the infected computer to delete malware.

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Once BIOS screen disappears from the desktop – start tapping F8.
  3. From the Windows Advanced Options Menu select Safe Mode with Networking. Use arrow keys to navigate and the Enter key to confirm the selection.
  4. Click Yes on the Desktop alert.
  5. Download SpyHunter.
  6. Open the Start menu and click RUN.
  7. Enter msconfig and click OK.
  8. Now click on the Startup tab.
  9. Click the Disable All button or un-check the listed items manually and click OK.
  10. Restart the computer and install the automatic spyware removal tool.

In non-techie terms:

It is obligatory to remove Decrypt Protect Virus from the operating Windows system because the malicious Trojan controlling the infection could infiltrate more dangerous infections and endanger your virtual security. We recommend following the instructions presented above to remove the malicious infection from your personal computer.

Aliases: DecryptProtectVirus.