Do you know what IEDefender is?
IEDefender, or IE Defender, is a rogue anti-spyware application simply because of its aggressive advertising and scare tactics. IEDefender and its affiliates infect users through video codecs that come bundled with a Trojan that is triggered by a Browser Helper Object.
IEDefender and its affiliates display exaggerated security alerts difficult to close in an attempt to trick you into purchasing the full IEDefender version.
Once the Trojan is installed on your machine, your web browser is hijacked. So if you do a search through Google, Yahoo or MSN search engines, your browser will display a fake error message within your search results. The IE Defender fake error message even use the search engine's name within the message in order to confuse you into believing it's coming from the search engine itself.
IE Defender error message states that you're infected with spyware and that you need to download IEDefender to solve your problem. Once you click on the IE Defender fake message, you'll be directed to IE Defender's homepage, or a link to a page that shows another fake security message. IEDefender is also known as IE Defender v2.2 or IE Defender v2.3.
If you're infected with IE Defender, you will see a hijacked search result listing in Google, Yahoo or MSN as shown on the samples below.
Google fake warning message sample:
Google Error:
"Your computer is infected! Some of your search results were changed by spyware. You have to clean your pc and we recommend to use our antispyware!"
Yahoo fake warning message sample:
Yahoo Error:
"Your computer is infected! Some of your search results were changed by spyware. You have to clean your pc and Yahoo Team recommend to use our ANTISPYWARE!"
The Truth (in non-techie terms): Distributors of trojans conduct illicit installation methods to extort money from you. Do not click on IEDefender fake security messages.