"Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware Removal Guide

Do you know what "Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware is?

"Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware is a screen locker that denies access to the computer until the user pays a ransom. According to our computer security specialists the malicious application’s warning claims the computer is locked and the files on it are being encrypted because the user has a pirated Windows version. In reality, none of the files on the infected device are being locked. The fake alert most likely says so to scare users into paying the ransom, which should be around 200 US dollars. Fortunately, our researchers figured out the code for unlocking the screen, and you can learn it too if you continue reading our article. Later on, we recommend erasing "Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware from the system as leaving the threat unattended could be dangerous and might result in getting your screen locked once again. To help you eliminate it we have prepared a removal guide available at the end of this article.

Our researchers say "Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware should enter the system as a fake update, document, software installer, or any other file downloaded from unreliable sources. Launching such data should result in the threat settling in on the computer and locking its screen. What we ought to recommend is being careful when obtaining installers or other files from untrustworthy sources, for example, torrent or other file-sharing web pages, Spam emails, suspicious pop-up advertisements, and so on. Scanning data before opening it would be most recommendable if you doubt its reliability. This way, any malicious components the downloaded file might have, could be detected by a reputable antimalware tool.

"Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware locks the screen by placing a blue window on top of it. Besides the statement mentioned in the threat’s name, the text on the alert also provides the following statement: “we are sorry to say that we are now Hijacking (legally) to your computer and we are now trying to Encrypt (lock) your files, because of Fake Windows.” Obviously, Microsoft would not go through such lengths to make the user buy the license for Windows instead of using a pirated version. Even less experienced users should come to realize such behavior (encrypting user’s files and then demanding to buy a license to get them back) is something a malicious application like ransomware would do. The good news is, in reality, Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware does not encrypt any files. Also, even if it looks like your screen is completely locked, our researchers say you should be able to get back the control over it by just pressing Alt+F4."Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

Moreover, by taking a closer look at the Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware’s code, our computer security specialists found out the code that unlocks the screen: 30264410. After pressing Alt+F4 or submitting the mentioned code from 8 digits, you should successfully regain control over your computer. What is left is to get rid of the threat as it can restart with Windows. The removal guide available below will explain how to unlock the screen and then how to erase "Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware manually. Users who prefer automatic features and want to have means to keep their systems safe, could install a reputable antimalware tool instead and perform a full system scan.

Eliminate "Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware

  1. Either press Alt+F4 or insert 30264410 into the fake alert’s box to unlock the screen.
  2. Press Windows Key+E.
  3. Check your Downloads, Temporary Files, and Desktop directories.
  4. Locate the malicious file that was downloaded and launched before the fake alert showed up.
  5. Right-click the malicious file and choose Delete.
  6. Next go to shell:startup
  7. Search for a file called winban.exe or similarly.
  8. Right-click this file and press Delete.
  9. Close Windows Explorer.
  10. Empty Recycle Bin.
  11. Restart the computer.

In non-techie terms:

"Your Windows Has Been Banned" Ransomware is a threat that tries to trick users into paying a ransom. The screen locker's alert might say you are banned because of using a fake Windows copy and should ask to register your operating system by getting a verification code, which could cost 200 US dollars. Naturally, the message should seem suspicious if you know you are using legitimate Windows and understand Microsoft would not use such drastic means. Not to mention there are lots of grammatical mistakes, which suggest the warning is a scam. Hopefully, none of the users who could encounter it will fall for the scam. Instead of putting up with any demands, our computer security specialists advise unblocking the screen and then erasing the malware right away. If you do not know how to unblock or remove the malicious application, you should take a look at the removal guide available a bit above this text.