Do you know what XXXCounter is?
XXXCounter is a tracking cookie that gets installed on your computer when you visit website. The website obviously supports various cookies and if you want to visit it, you need to have cookies enabled on your browser as well. XXXCounter cookie is there to gather your browsing information, your search keywords and other preferences that would allow the website to tailor its own appearance for you. For example, if the website has a lot of advertisements, with XXXCounter cookie gather your overall Internet browser information, it might display ads that are related to your former browsing themes and topics.
This cookie is obviously used to gather information for marketing purposes. Cookies are pieces of data that are not dangerous on their own. However, in case XXXCounter cookie gets hacked by a third party, it could be reprogrammed to collect your personal and transfer it over to a remote server - something a cookie usually would not be able to do. What is more XXXCounter can be responsible for directing a number of commercial pop-up advertisements at you. Some of these advertisements can have embedded links to corrupted websites that could host malware.
In order to make sure that you prevent malicious programs from entering your system, you need to remove XXXCounter from the PC. Download SpyHunter and perform a full system scan to see whether XXXCounter has managed to bring over any other suspicious application. Invest in a legitimate computer security tool if necessary and protect your system from possible cyber threats.
In non-techie terms:
XXXCounter is a cookie that gets dropped onto your PC when you visit particular websites. It is not a computer malware, but it does raise a few security issues by collecting your personal data. Acquire a reliable antimalware tool and remove XXXCounter from your system, before the situation goes out of hand.
Aliases: Cokie.XXXCounter.