Do you know what Smooth Defender 2009 is?
Smooth Defender 2009 is a rogue security program. Smooth Defender 2009 uses annoying popup alerts and bogus system scan results to trick you into purchasing Smooth Defender 2009 as if you need it to remove the detected threats. Smooth Defender 2009 does not actually detect and remove parasites so therefore you do not need to purchase a full version of Smooth Defender 2009.
In non-techie terms:
Basically, Smooth Defender 2009 is a waste of your time and potentially your money if you ever fall for the deviation and end up purchasing this bogus security program. Do yourself a great thing today, remove Smooth Defender 2009 before it is able to turn you into a gullible fool that just wasted money on a fake security program.
Aliases: Smooth Defender 2009, SmoothDefender 2009, SmoothDefender2009.