How do hackers hack into a personal email account?
You have probably heard or read recent reports plastered all over the internet stating that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's private Yahoo email account was broken into by hackers. You would want to think that your email account is secure especially if you are a vice presidential candidate.
A hacking group gained access to Palin's Yahoo email account and sent the information to Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a site setup for anonymous leaked documents. What some people are wondering is, how did this happen. How do hackers gain access to a personal email account where they are able to take the messages and send them to other sources online?
The group of hackers were able to gain access to Palin's email account may have simply guessed her password or gained enough personal information to trick the email system to reset the password for access. This has been done before with other hacking attempts in the past. Just like we discussed in a past article how a security question vulnerability was discovered where a hacker is able to reset your password if they have enough personal information. That may have been the case with the hackers hacking into Palin's email account.
It is believed that the same group that hacked into Palin's email account, identified as Anonymous, is composed of loosely knit volunteer hackers. The same group gained some recognition for the hacking attack against the Church of Scientology's web page.