Do you know what Protect Defender is?
Protect Defender is a fake Anti-Spyware application as many others. It usually slows down your computer and Your working speed dramatically and causes various problems. Protect Defender enters system without consent or permission and usually has various negative effects on both your life and your machine. Protect Defender only aim is to try to force a computer user to purchase a full version. The chances are very high that if you have Protect Defender you will be attacked with various advertisements and warning pop-ups. Protect Defender will only cause time, worry and effort and should rather be avoided. If you detect Protect Defender, on your machine, then you need to get rid of it as fast as it took to enter your.
In non-techie terms:
Protect Defender is a fake program which only aim is to take away money when You purchase a full version. Neither the trial nor the full version of Protect Defender is able to remove any of real computer threats. Do not believe what Protect Defender tells and remove it as soon as possible.
Aliases: ProtectDefender.