Manuals Aid Removal Guide

Do you know what Manuals Aid is?

Manuals Aid works on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Researchers say that the extension falls under the classification of potentially unwanted programs because it may have undesirable functionality. Thus, if you are thinking about installing this application, we recommend learning more about it before you make your final decision. If you want to know where it might come from and how it could work, we encourage you to read our full report. Users who want to learn how to erase Manuals Aid can use our removal guide available at the end of this article. It shows how to erase the unwanted extension from your browser’s extensions menu. If you need more assistance or have any questions about the potentially unwanted program, we encourage you to leave us a comment below.

Manuals Aid comes from a website called Also, users can come across it while visiting the Chrome Web Store page, although we doubt that cautious users would download it from this platform. That is because the extension does not have a rating or any reviews yet. It does not mean that a tool is not good, but the lack of such information makes it more difficult to determine whether it is trustworthy. Besides the mentioned websites, the tool could be also spread through bundled software installers, various advertisements, and content alike. It is quite possible because potentially unwanted programs are often spread through unreliable file-sharing websites and ads. Consequently, we advise against downloading applications offered on doubtful websites or ads. It would be smart to keep a reliable antimalware tool too as it could help you identify questionable applications as well as guard your system against malware.Manuals Aid Removal GuideManuals Aid screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

Once Manuals Aid is installed, the extension might change your homepage, new tab page, and default search engine with a website called According to our researchers, this website is a search engine and it may redirect you to Yahoo search engine if you use it. In other words, it might provide a search box, but it leaves it to Yahoo to both gather and display search results. Moreover, it seems the extension needs a permission to view your browsing history, which means the application might see what websites you visit, what you search for on the Internet, your clicked ads, and so on. If you consider the mentioned data private, you might find this functionality irritating. If it is a deal-breaker to you, it might be best to look for another extension for your browser. As for users who regret installing this tool, they could remove Manuals Aid from their browsers.

The potentially unwanted program can be erased either manually or with an antimalware tool. If you prefer deleting Manuals Aid manually, you could use the removal guide available below this paragraph. It can show you how to erase the unwanted browser extension from Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox as these are the only browsers that the tool is compatible with. If you prefer the other deletion option, we advise getting a reputable antimalware tool that could eliminate Manuals Aid as well as keep your computer safe in the future.

Delete Manuals Aid

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Insert chrome://extensions into the address bar and press Enter.
  3. Search for Manuals Aid and click Remove.
  4. If needed, confirm that you wish to Remove it.
  5. Close your browser.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Insert about:addons into the address bar and press Enter.
  3. Look for Manuals Aid and click the three-dotted icon next to it.
  4. Press Remove and confirm if needed that you wish to erase this extension.
  5. Exit your browser.

In non-techie terms:

Manuals Aid is a potentially unwanted program, which means its functionality could appear to be disappointing once you install it. Our computer security specialists say that the most annoying quality could be the extension’s need to read a user’s browsing history. Data in it might contain search keywords, names of visited websites, titles of viewed products or services, and other information that some users may consider to be private. If you do not want to share such data with an application that falls under the classification of potentially unwanted programs, you might want to search for a different browser extension to enhance your browsing. On the other hand, if you have already installed it, we can help you erase Manuals Aid manually with our removal guide available above. The extension can also be deleted with a chosen antimalware tool. All you have to so is make sure that you pick a reputable security tool for your system.