.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension Removal Guide

Do you know what .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension is?

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension is one of the variations of a malicious application that infects devices belonging to various organizations. For instance, this version was targeted at a company in Germany called KRAUSS-MAFFEI. In other words, the malware should not affect computers of regular home users. Its main task is to encrypt a victim’s data and then display a ransom note. The hackers claim they will deliver decryption tools as soon as the victim contacts them and pays a ransom. Of course, we would not recommend trusting the cybercriminals as there is not knowing what they might do. To learn more about this malicious application we encourage you to read the rest of the article. If you are interested in knowing how to remove .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension, you should have a look at the removal guide displayed below.

According to our researchers, the hackers behind .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension and its other variants choose their victims carefully. Apparently, they look for vulnerable targets and then customize their ransomware to attack them. It is possible the malicious application’s installer could be delivered through unsecured RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connections or Spam emails. Therefore, users who want to avoid threats alike should secure their RDP connections and stay away from email attachments that come from unknown sources. If you are not sure whether an attachment is safe or not, we highly recommend scanning it with a reputable antimalware tool first.

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension starts with creating a copy of its installer in the %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64 directory. Plus, it ought to add a Registry entry in the HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services location. Then it should use the AES-256 encryption algorithm to encipher all files except data in the %WINDIR% location and some other files belonging to the system. Files that get encrypted ought to be marked with a .kraussmfz extension that no doubt comes from the targeted company’s name. Meaning, other versions of .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension might be named according to the organizations they target too..kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension Removal Guide.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

Soon after the malware finishes encrypting all targeted files, it ought to show a ransom note. It might demand the victim to contact the hackers behind .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension via email. It should also mention the hackers have the needed decryption tools and are willing to share them in exchange for a payment. However, a particular sum is not specified, and it is difficult to say what it might be. In any case, if you do not want to risk losing your money, we advise not to pay any attention to the ransom note and erase the malicious application.

To get rid of .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension manually users should follow the removal guide available below. It is important to explain they will work only for this particular version as other threat’s variants might work differently. Of course, the malicious application can be removed with a reputable antimalware tool too; all you have to do is pick a tool you could trust.

Erase .kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Choose Task Manager and check the Processes tab.
  3. Locate a process belonging to the malware.
  4. Choose the malicious process and click End Task.
  5. Exit Task Manager.
  6. Click Windows Key+E.
  7. Navigate to the suggested paths:
  8. Identify a file launched when the system got infected, right-click the malicious file and select Delete.
  9. Find this path: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64
  10. Locate a malicious file, e.g., v4.0.30319; right-click it and select Delete.
  11. Exit File Explorer.
  12. Press Windows Key+R, type Regedit and choose OK.
  13. Navigate to this path: HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services
  14. Look for a value name that could be related to the malicious application, e.g., clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_64.
  15. Right-click it and press Delete.
  16. Close the Registry Editor.
  17. Empty Recycle bin.
  18. Restart the computer.

In non-techie terms:

.kraussmfz Ransomware File Extension is a threat targeted at a particular company. It was designed to encrypt data on the infected device and then show a ransom note to convince victims to pay a ransom in exchange for decryption tools. The problem is there is always a possibility the hackers might not be telling the truth about their intentions. For example, they may try to extort even more money later on and even if the victim makes the payment they may not bother to deliver the promised tools. Thus, the option of putting up with the cybercriminals’ demands should be considered carefully. For those who do not want to risk throwing their money away for nothing, we recommend removing the malicious application and replacing encrypted files with backup copies, e.g., files stored on cloud storage, removable media devices, etc. To eliminate it manually users should follow the instructions available above. Those who prefer using automatic features instead should employ a reputable antimalware tool.