Do you know what Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam is?
If, while you are browsing the web, you are suddenly taken to a Microsoft support page with a pop-up message, it is quite possible that Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam is responsible for it. When this happens, your PC may have been compromised and infected with malware. It is important for you to know that neither Microsoft, nor any other software developer will try to warn you about an alleged infection endangering your system in this manner. We have seen dozens of similar technical support scams in the past year, including "Microsoft System Security Alert fake alert," "Windows Firewall Warning Alert," and "Windows Health Is Critical FAKE Tech Support popup." These fake alerts are all about scaring you enough to call a provided phone number, which is supposed to be a certified Microsoft technical support line. However, you would simply talk to a salesperson who may want to ask you for remote access to your computer or promote a security tool or service to you. We recommend that you remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam right away.
In order for you to be scammed by this fake alert, you need to be redirected to a fake tech-support page like "," which seems to be already down. As you can see from the URL address, these scammers actually tried to set up a fake page whose address would fool you at first sight. Unsuspecting and inexperienced users may all think that this is actually an authentic Microsoft page. But, if you look closer, you would realize that there are elements in this URL that cannot possibly be related to the IT giant. Whenever you find yourself on such a page on a new tab all of a sudden, first of all, you need to check the URL before you engage with the page at all. If it is dodgy in any way, you should close your browser right away. In fact, if your computer is not infected, it would be enough to kill your browser to delete Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam.
The worse case is obviously when your PC has been infected with malware like adware programs, browser hijacker, or any other that is capable of displaying third-party content (links, banner ads, and pop-up ads) and redirection. You can infect your computer with such threats bundled together, which means that you may install them in bunches if you are not careful enough. It is possible to drop a malicious software bundle if you tend to download cracked software or other free stuff off of shady P2P websites (torrent or freeware), when you click on corrupt third-party content while viewing suspicious websites, or when your computer is infected. Since it is not always obvious that malware threats have sneaked onto your system, we advise you to delete Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam and then, use a reliable online malware scanner to find all other threats as well.
This fake alert operates exactly the same way as most of its predecessors. Once you are taken to a fake support page, which may pretend to be straight from Microsoft just like in this case, an alert pops up over the page. This is the fake alert itself, which claims that your computer has been compromised and therefore blocked by Microsoft to prevent any further damage. You are led to believe that a malware program has been detected on your system that may steal your banking details and other important login details (e.g., Facebook). The only way out seems to be for you to call the provided telephone number, "1-855-381-5333." Since this is a typical tech-support scam, you will not be instructed to really fix a non-existing security issue. The real issue is this fake alert and the malware that is possible responsible for your redirection to this fake page. If you do not want to waste your money on an unnecessary and low-quality security application or service, let alone grant remote access to your computer, we suggest that you remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam immediately.
There are basically two things you can do manually to make sure that you eliminate this annoying fake alert. First, you need to reset all your major browsers to erase all possible browser-related threats, such as adware apps, browser hijackers, and other bad extensions. Please follow our guide below if you want to take action manually. Second, if the reset somehow is not enough, you can also check your installed programs list in Control Panel and uninstall all suspicious applications. You could, of course, save yourself all these headaches, if you protected your PC with a reliable anti-malware program like SpyHunter.
Remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam from your browsers
Internet Explorer
- Tap Alt+T and choose Internet Options.
- On the Advanced tab, press Reset.
- Mark the Delete personal settings checkbox.
- Press Reset.
- Press Close.
Google Chrome
- Tap Alt+F and select Settings.
- Scroll down and click Advanced.
- Scroll all the way down again and click Reset.
- In the confirmation window, press Reset.
Mozilla Firefox
- Tap Alt+H and open Troubleshooting Information.
- Press Refresh Firefox.
- Press Refresh Firefox in the confirmation window.
In non-techie terms:
Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam is a new technical support scam in which schemers may try to gain access to your PC remotely or sell a low-quality security tool to you. When you suddenly get redirected to a page that looks like a Microsoft support page displaying a pop-up warning, you should know that this is just a fake alert. The schemers behind this scam try to scare you that an infection has infiltrated your system and it may steal sensitive information, such as banking details and other passwords. You are led to believe that calling a given telephone number will give you technical support to fix your dangerous situation. Nevertheless, you need to disregard this fake alert and remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam from your computer as soon as possible. If you want effective protection for your PC, we suggest that you install a reputable anti-malware program.