EPilot Removal Guide

Do you know what EPilot is?

EPilot is a tracking cookie used by epilot.com, a Local.com Ltd website that posts business listings and works as a search engine. Whenever you visit the website or use its search engine, the tracking cookie is placed on the browser to record certain information about you and your browser. If you are not familiar with the term, it might be funny at first, but, needless to say, dealing with web cookies is nowhere near as pleasurable as dealing with sugar-laden treats. Although web cookies can seem to be intimidating because they are basically invisible, you cannot escape them. They are used by most websites that you visit. Although most of them (session cookies) are deleted once you close the page, some of them (persistent cookies) continue recording and tracking activity, as well as transmitting data. Reliable service providers take care of their data tracking technologies and the data that is recorded using them. Unfortunately, there are plenty of service providers that cannot be trusted with any information. Is that a reason to remove EPilot too? Continue reading, and you will find out.

Since cookies are stored in your browser’s memory whenever you visit new websites, users usually start ignoring them. If you live in Europe, you might face notifications about used cookies more frequently due to GDPR regulations. If you live outside of Europe, and your browser’s settings are not set to inform you about incoming cookies, you might remain oblivious about them altogether. Even if you clear browsing history and stop visiting certain websites, the cookies remain active until they eventually expire. When cookies are active, they can record all sorts of information. Most cookies are focused on collecting non-personal information, which includes IP addresses, locations, language, and other preferences. Cookies can also record browsing history and help parties in control determine patterns and preferences using that. This can help enhance the services for users, but we must not forget that cookies are primarily employed to help the service providers and their partners. Can all of them be trusted? No, they cannot, and that is why some cookies deserve removal. To determine whether or not we need to delete EPilot, we must look into the matter deeper.

Have you reviewed the epilot.com/lcldsc/npress_privacy.html statement? It presents the Privacy Policy of the company, and it discusses the use of EPilot cookies at length. It is stated that cookies are used to improve the quality of services and help track their interaction with the provided services. It is also stated that third parties can employ their own cookies to record certain data. Third parties include advertisers whose ads the website showcases. With the use of cookies, these advertisers can present much more alluring ads, but that does not always mean that these ads can be trusted. According to the Privacy Policy, EPilot cookies can also record information about your operating system and hardware, as well as data regarding downloaded applications. You have to judge for yourself if you consider access to such information to be overly intrusive, and if that warrants the removal of tracking cookies.

You might decide that you wish to delete EPilot cookies if you no longer wish to visit the website or if you do not agree with its privacy policies. While you can erase individual cookies on their own, it might be best to clear all cookies at once. Note that most websites use more than just one cookie, and others can employ third-party cookies. Identifying all cookies that require removal can be impossible. The instructions you can find below will help you remove EPilot and all other cookies with a few mouse clicks.

Remove EPilot

Google Chrome

  1. Launch Chrome and enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
  2. Choose the time range and boxes and then click Clear data.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch Firefox and tap Ctrl+Shift+Delete to access the Clear All History menu.
  2. Choose the time range and boxes and then click Clear Now.

Internet Explorer

  1. Launch Internet Explorer and tap Ctrl+Shift+Delete to access the Delete Browsing History menu.
  2. Choose the boxes and then click Delete.


  1. Open the Safari menu on the menu bar and click Preferences.
  2. In the Privacy tab click Manage Website Data and then click Remove All.

In non-techie terms:

The EPilot cookie might not put your personal information at risk, but you still need to think if it is not too intrusive for you. After all, the cookies used by the service can record your location, information about your operating system, hardware, and installed applications, as well as track your search history. If you consider it to be intrusive, you will, most likely, choose to delete EPilot. Although you can erase it alone, we advise clearing all cookies simultaneously. Other intrusive and undesirable cookies might exist – some of them might be directly linked to the cookie you are focused on right now – and it is easier to eliminate them all at once. Use the guides above to clear the most popular web browsers, and if you need help clearing others, post a request in the comments section. When it comes to keeping your browsers free of intrusive cookies, always research them before letting them in, and do not forget to utilize reliable anti-malware software to ensure full-time protection.