Do you know what Warning! Win32/privacyremover.m64 is? Warning! Win32/privacyremover.m64 is a malicious message that is connected to the XP-Guard rogue anti-spyware program. When you are infected with this parasite then you may get a message that says the following: WARNING!
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Cyberattacks Exposed as a Serious Threat to U.S.
Are U.S. based systems vulnerable to Cyberattacks? Have you ever seen any of the Hollywood movies where a large scale cyberattack against the U.S. was conducted or where a war was almost started because of a hacker? Do you ever
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Do you know what AntiVir64 is? AntiVir64 or AntiVir 64 2.7, is known to be a rogue anti-spyware program running lose on the internet causing issues for computer users worldwide. AntiVir64 was discovered to be a variant of Power Antivirus
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Do you know what MaxAntiSpy is? MaxAntiSpy is a Russian Federation based rogue anti-spyware program plaguing computers around the world. MaxAntiSpy was found to come directly from the website or ported through other means such as a Trojan infection
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Do you know what AntivirusDoc is? AntivirusDoc or Antivirus Doc, is a bothersome rogue anti-spyware program that might make you want to pull your hair out. AntivirusDoc is known to be a clone of WinAntivirusPro 3.7 which just like AntivirusDoc,
Continue reading 0 Malspam Revolution: Breaking News Message Breaking News is one of the latest malspam messages to spread malware through a Fake Flash Player download. The CNN malspam message that we reported on a previous post has evolved into using other popular news network subject lines
Continue reading 0 CommentsA Wave of New MalSpam: 'Obama is Gay' and 'McCain names VP post' Emails
Another new term that I can add to my Web vocabulary, "Malspam". I found an interesting article "Penetrating the Zombie Collective: Spam as an International Security Issue", where it goes on to discuss how spam messages have plagued computer users
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Spammers are now sending a newer version of the infamous "" group of malspam email messages called "CNN Alerts: My Custom Alert". We first posted a removal guide for the Daily Top 10 message infection and now it seems
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Do you know what the Daily Top 10 email is? The Daily Top 10 email downloads the Trojan-Downloader.Agent.EL Infection onto your computer. We have discovered that a spam email message titled " Daily Top 10" is circulating over
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