Have you received an email titled "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" that asks you to renew your Google Search Advertising services?
Recently the email message titled "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" was discovered to be a phishing email message with malicious links within the email body. This new waive of malspam or phishing emails can be compared to the recent fake cnn.com and msnbc scam messages where they redirect you to a malicious website that may initiate the download of malware in a discreet and under-cover technique. In the case with the "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" email it sends you to a web page that asks you to enter your Google Account information if you have such an account. The hackers that created this message figure that they would find enough gulliable computer users who happen to have a Google AdWords account to fall for this scam.
When we look deeper into the "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" email we find that the email has a link the redirects computer users to http://scr-ad-words.com/adwords.google.loginpage/Login.htm (do not visit this address!) where you enter your Google account credentials. If you fall for this phishing tactic you will be giving your Google account information to a hacker or thief where they may be able to steal your personal identity. If this has already happened to you by accident then you must notify your bank and/or credit card companies immediately of the situation. You must delete any "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" email messages that resemble the image below and reads like the following text.
From: notification-noreply@google.com
Subject: AdWords Google Account Notification Alert
Reply-To: notification-noreply@google.comRenew Your Account Now !
Dear Advertiser,
This is your official notification from Google AdWords that the service(s) listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not renewed immediately.
As the Primary Contact, you must renew the service(s) listed below or it will be deactivated and deleted.
Renew Now your Google Search Advertising services.
SERVICE: Google Search Advertising
EXPIRATION: September, 8 2008Thank you for using Google AdWords service.
We appreciate your business and the opportunity to serve you.Google AdWords Service
Please remember to input your AdWords username and password correctly NOT your email and password.
Why renew my account?
Google AdWords helps you manage your search advertising campaign simply and efficiently. Renew now today to get connected with customers.Top questions
How long will it take?
This should take you about 10-15 seconds.What do I need?
You'll need only your AdWords username and password.© 2008 Google AdWords
Remove "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" email infection
If you have fallen victim to this malicious email message then you must remove the "AdWords Google Account Notification Alert" email infection that may have been downloaded or installed onto your computer from links within the message.