Do you know what Policia Boliviana Virus is?
Computer users in Bolivia should be careful while browsing the Internet because this country is known to have been targeted by cyber criminal associated with the Urausy Trojan. Computers in this country can be infected with Policia Boliviana Virus which has a lot of different versions around the world, including Canada, the U.S., Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Australia and others.
Policia Boliviana Virus is categorized as ransomware because the Trojan which gets to the computer surreptitiously disables access to the desktop and presents a bogus warning which contains the Bolivian coat of arms and the heading Polica Boliviana. Like the majority of ransomware infections, the warning contains the allegations that you have used copyrighted or pornographic material; as a result, the computer has been locked. Moreover, in order to unlock the PC you are supposed to pay a fine of 100 American dollar or 700 Bolivianos via Ukash. Do not pay the money because the warning has been created to make you pay the so-called fine voluntarily. Below you will find how some parts of the warning read:
Usted ha vialado el derecho de autor y los derechos conexos (vídeo, música, software) y ha utilizado de una manera ilegal con la distribución de contenido los derechos de autor, infringiendo así el artículo 128 del Criminal Code del Estado Plurinachional de Bolivia.
Policia Boliviana Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructionsEl importe de la multa es de BOB 700 (Boliviano) o USD $100 (US Dólar). Usted puede pagar esta multa por Ukash.
Other variants of Policia Boliviana Virus such as Royal Canadian Mounted Police Virus, FBI Cybercrime Division Virus, Politiet Norge Virus and others operate in the same way, and the hoax messages are structured identically. None of the can be trusted, which means that it is crucial to remove any ransomware infection once it paralyzes the system.
Instead of trying to figure out how to remove Policia Boliviana Virus manually, do not waste your time and use our step-by-stem removal guidelines which will help you get rid of the threat using our anti-spyware removal tool.
Policia Boliviana Virus Removal
Windows Vista/7
- Restart the computer.
- Tap the F8 key once the BIOS startup screen loads.
- Using the up and down arrow keys, select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
- Go to and download our spyware removal tool SpyHunter.
- After the installation of the tool, scan the PC and remove Policia Boliviana Virus.
Windows XP
- Reboot the computer.
- Tap the F8 key after the BIOS screen loads.
- In the Windows Advanced Options Menu, select Safe Mode with Networking using the arrow keys.
- Press Enter.
- Click on Yes.
- Go to the Start menu and launch Run.
- Type “msconfig”.
- Press OK.
- Open the Startup tab.
- Click on the Disable All and then on Apply.
- Download SpyHunter.
- Restart the PC.
- Run the installer and terminate the infection.
In non-techie terms:
Policia Boliviana Virus is a ransomware infection distributed by a Trojan horse. The threat makes the computer inoperable; hence you should urgently remove the infection using a powerful spyware removal tool.
Aliases: Boliviana Virus.