Do you know what AntiVirusAndTrojan is?
AntiVirusAndTrojan is a fake anti-spyware program. AntiVirusAndTrojan uses deviating tactics to trick computer users into purchasing a full version of AntiVirusAndTrojan. AntiVirusAndTrojan is also a clone of AntiVirusAndSpyware, which is another rogue anti-spyware program. AntiVirusAndTrojan may come from a Trojan horse infection or malicious website that advertises rogue anti-spyware applications.
In non-techie terms:
AntiVirusAndTrojan should never be trusted for detection or removal of computer infections or malicious files. AntiVirusAndTrojan is not able to remove anything from your computer nor is the full version of AntiVirusAndTrojan. Never purchase AntiVirusAndTrojan under any circumstances.
Aliases: AntiVirusAndTrojan, Anti-Virus And Trojan, AntiVirus And Trojan.
AntiVirusAndTrojan Automatic Removal Instructions
AntiVirusAndTrojan Manual Removal Instructions
This manual removal method is for techie computer users. AntiVirusAndTrojan manual removal may be difficult and time consuming to remove. There's no guarantee that AntiVirusAndTrojan will be removed completely. So read the AntiVirusAndTrojan removal steps carefully and good luck.
Before you start: Close all programs and Internet browsers. Also back up your computer in case you make a mistake and your computer stops working.
- Uninstall AntiVirusAndTrojan Program
Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Double-click on Add/Remove Programs. Search for and uninstall AntiVirusAndTrojan if found. - To stop AntiVirusAndTrojan processes (view process removal steps)
Go to Start > Run > type taskmgr. The click the Processes tab and you'll see a list of running processes.
Search and stop these AntiVirusAndTrojan processes:
For each unwanted process, right-click on it and then select "End task". - To Unregister AntiVirusAndTrojan DLLs (view DLL removal steps)
Search and unregister these AntiVirusAndTrojan DLLs:
To locate the AntiVirusAndTrojan DLL path, go to Start > Search > All Files or Folders. Type AntiVirusAndTrojan and in the Look in: select either My Computer or Local Hard Drives. Click the Search button.
Once you have the AntiVirusAndTrojan DLL path, go to Start and then click on Run. In the Run command box, type cmd, and then click on OK.
To locate the exact DLL path, type cd in order to change the current directory. To display the contents of the directory, use the dir command. To remove the DLL file type regsvr32 /u FILENAME.dll (FILENAME is the name of the file that you want to unregister). - To unregister AntiVirusAndTrojan registry keys (view registry keys removal steps)
Go to Start > Run > type regedit > press OK.
Edit the value (on the right pane) by right-clicking on it and selecting the Modify option. Select the Delete option.
Search and delete these AntiVirusAndTrojan registry keys: - If your homepage has been changed, go to Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > click on the General > click Use Default under Home Page. Add the your desired default homepage, then click Apply > click OK. Open a new web browser to check that you have your desired default homepage.
- To remove AntiVirusAndTrojan icons on your Desktop, drag and drop them to the Recycle Bin.
You've completed the AntiVirusAndTrojan manual removal instructions!
I hope this article has helped you solve your AntiVirusAndTrojan problems. If you want to contribute to this article, post your comment below.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes. By using this information you agree to be bound by the disclaimer. There's no guarantee that AntiVirusAndTrojan will be completely removed from your computer. Seek professional help if your computer continues to experience problems.