Do you know what Skype Scam is?
Skype Scam is a number of Skype infections that try to lure your money out of you. If you use Skype daily, you might become subject of this Skype viruses. The most important thing is not to click on outgoing links you receive from unknown users. Even if you receive a message from someone on your contacts list, if the message looks automated, you should think twice before clicking the link. You might not even need to remove Skype Scam infection if you avoid getting infected in the first place.
Two Skype viruses are especially prominent. Once is Fake Virus Call infection that give user an automated voice call and recites in robotic voice that the user's computer security system is outdated and in order to update it, the user has to visit a particular website. The address of the website in question is spelled out in the Fake Virus Call message, and if you visit the website, you will face a fake antimalware scan that will also say you are not protected from dangerous PC threats. The fake antivirus will offer you to activate your protection for $19.95. Needless to say that you cannot purchase this product, because it is fake, and you will only lose your money if you trust this Skype Scam.
However, you can avoid this infection if you simply close your browser, because this fake AV does not get downloaded onto your computer. That is not the case of another Skype virus that is delivered as an automated message that says "lol is this your new profile pic?". It is very easy to get tricked by this message, because it is delivered from one of your contact's computer, when he or she gets infected. If you click on the link that is embedded in the message, download the ZIP file and open it, you will get infected with a ransomware program that locks you out of your computer and demands for a ransom fee to be paid.
It is very similar to Ukash viruses that require users to pay ransom fees via alternative payment system. This is an excerpt from the lock-screen notification that you get through Skype Scam:
Your computer was recently used to visit website prohibited on the territory of USA: to download mp3 files, child pornography, torrents, gambling, illegal drugs or other illegal activity.
To unlock your computer you are obliged to pay a fine of $200 within 48 hours.
In case you fail to pay $200 fine all your files will be permanently deleted and prohibited files will be sent to the Department with logged IP-addresses used for illegal activity.
Obviously, this message is fake, because the ransomware simply wants to rip you off. In order to bypass this screen-locker delivered by Skype Scam, follow the instructions below:
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Power up your computer and tap F8 repeatedly.
- If Windows logo appears, restart the computer and try again.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking from Advanced Boot Options menu and press Enter.
- Go here to download SpyHunter.
- Install the program and launch a free scan.
Windows XP
- Go through the steps above from 1 to 3.
- When a confirmation box appears click Yes.
- Download SpyHunter.
- Click Start button and click Run.
- Type "msconfig" and hit Enter.
- Click Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
- Uncheck all programs on the list and click OK to save changes. Exit the menu.
- Restart your computer in normal mode.
- Install SpyHunter and run a full system scan.
In non-techie terms:
Skype Scam refers to a list of automated messages delivered via Skype to unsuspecting users. Do not click on outgoing links on these messages and do not log into suspicious websites to avoid being infected with dangerous viruses. Always have a powerful antimalware tool at the ready if you find yourself threatened by something like Skype Scam.
Aliases: Scam Skype.