Do you know what Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support is?
A program that goes by the name of Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support should never be active on your operating system. During the in-depth analysis of this program, malware experts at have come to a conclusion that this application provides no useful features and will only cause numerous disruptions within your operating system. Having it fully active on your operating system might not only limit your ability to use your PC but could also prove to be dangerous. This is so because in some cases this devious piece of software could be utilized by other suspicious applications as a backdoor into your operating system. Such functionality of Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support is the primary reason you need to execute its complete removal. Below we present further information in regards to its functionality as well as a comprehensive removal guide created by our researchers.
Even though you could come across claims stating that Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support could prove to be a useful tool, you should be aware of the fact that such statements are nothing more than a marketing gimmick used to lure unsuspecting Internet users into obtaining this invasive and worthless program. The primary indication that this dubious application is active on your personal computer is an excessive amount of various warnings telling you that your operating system has been locked. This is somewhat true since it will limit the usage of your computer by presenting such constantly; this will happen whether you like it or not. Within these devious warning notes, you are provided a fake phone number that you should call to regain access to your personal computer. It is critical to note that the only way to stop the aggressive functionality of Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support is by executing its complete removal. If you fail to do your daily activities on your PC will be regularly interrupted.Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
What is even worse is the fact that this invasive piece of software could also prove to be the primary reason other suspicious programs might be able to enter your personal computer. This is so because the devious application is spread via bundled software, meaning that adware programs, browser hijackers, and other dubious applications could come along with it. Therefore, you must check your entire operating system for other intrusive programs, if you already have Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support fully functioning on your personal computer. It is also paramount to highlight the fact that other devious and even potentially malicious programs could use the invasive program in questions as a backdoor into your computer. Thus, you might not even realize that some potentially harmful program has entered your PC. It goes without saying that running Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support on your computer is a major risk that no user should take. If you consider yourself a security-conscious user, the complete removal this suspicious application is a must. Make sure to follow the instructions that we present to terminate Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support once and for all.
Remember that you must pay your utmost attention to the removal procedure since just a single mistake could mean that Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 Support was not removed in its entirety. Finding yourself in such a situation could have unwanted outcomes since just a few leftover files or registry entries could be used to restore the intrusive program in a silent manner. To avoid all of this, you will need to perform a detailed analysis of your personal computer to be sure that everything associated with this potentially malicious application has been removed from your computer once and for all. By executing such analysis, you will be sure that Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 has been deleted in its entirety.
How to remove Sweep Clean PC Pro and 1-888-243-3533 from your PC
- Click the Windows button.
- Type regedit into the search field and tap Enter.
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
- Open the registry value called Shell and replace the data section with explorer.exe.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
- Once again open the registry value called Shell and replace the data section with explore.exe.
- Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
- Remove the registry value called Sweep Clean PC pro.
- Open your File Explore and go to C:\Program Files (x86).
- Find folder entitled Sweep Clean PC pro and remove it.
In non-techie terms:
We are aware that some users might find manual removal too complicated as it involves manual registry editing. If you happen to be one of such users, do not worry. Malware experts at have crafted an alternative removal guide that we provide below. By following these instructions you will remove the invasive program in question in an automatic manner.