Do you know what Brothersoft Toolbar is?
If you cannot remember installing Brothersoft Toolbar, the odds are that you have installed some other free application carelessly. Not only can this application be bundled, but it can also be downloaded by itself. It is available at and some other websites. We recommend that you remove the toolbar as it changes the settings of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox, and if any of your browsers is altered, do not wait any longer and remove the toolbar.
You can find Brothersoft Toolbar installed as BrotherSoft Extreme Toolbar in the Control Panel. As for the browsers, it can be given as BrotherSoft Extreme Community Toolbar or as BrotherSoft Extreme2 B1, which depends on the application which causes the installation of the browser add-on.
Brothersoft Toolbar screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
Once present on the browsers, the browser extension will provide you with various options that are supposed to enhance your browsing. For example, with one click you can check Facebook news feed, access the page promoting price comparison applications, check weather forecasts, access a radio player, and, of course, use its search box.
As to the changes made on the browsers, Brothersoft Toolbar is powered with Conduit Search. It means that the startup page, new tabs, and search provider is changed to The changes are made if the user does not uncheck some check boxes when installed the freeware of the very toolbar. Malware researchers recommend the computer users eliminate Conduit Search from their browsers in order to prevent sponsored links, various advertisements, and unexpected consequences related to the loss of personally identifiable information and other data.
As Brothersoft Toolbar may collect information about your browsing habits, remove it from the browsers once it is installed. If you want to be sure that you can browse the Internet safely, you should provide the PC with the maximum protection. By following the instructions below you may only remove the toolbar and, which means that a reliable security tools should be installed. Do not waste your time and install SpyHunter. It will easily remove the toolbar, and shield your PC from malware attacks.
Brothersoft Toolbar Removal
Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Click Start - > Control Panel.
- Select Uninstall a program.
- Remove the toolbar (BrotherSoft Extreme2 B1 Toolbar).
Windows XP
- Click Start - > Control Panel.
- Select Add or Remove Programs.
- Mark the program you want to remove and click the Remove button.
Windows 8
- Press the Windows key to access the Start screen.
- Start typing control panel.
- When the Control Panel icon appears, click it.
- Go to Uninstall a program and remove the unwanted browser add-on.
Remove Brothersoft Toolbar from the browsers
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Alt+H and click the Troubleshooting Information option.
- Click Reset Firefox - > Reset Firefox - > Finish.
Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+T and click Internet Options.
- Click the Advanced tab and select the Reset button.
- Tick the box given and click Reset.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F.
- Go to Tools and then click Extensions.
- Remove the extension of the toolbar.
- Click Settings on the left side of the browser.
- Find the On startup section and select the last option.
- Click Set pages and change the startup page.
- In the Search section, click Manage search engines and set a new search provider.
In non-techie terms:
Having completed the removal, do not forget to scan the PC. Click the button below and download our recommended spyware removal tool at no charge.
Aliases: BrotherSoft Extreme Community Toolbar.