Do you know what “Codec Performer Update is Recommended” is?
"Codec Performer Update is Recommended” is a fictitious warning that you should remove from the screen by closing the website on which it appears. The misleading alert informs the user that he or she has to update Codec Performer which is a media decoder and encoder supporting multiple formats. “Codec Performer Update is Recommended” can appear using various search engines and internet browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer. If you do not get rid of this warning, you risk getting the computer infected, so ignore the content of the warning and close the website on which it has appeared.
If you click the “Recommended Download” button on the warning, an insecure computer application may be downloaded, which depends on the schemers. It could be a browser toolbar, browser add-on, or any other computer program. Even if it provide you with some functionalities, keep in mind that it may track your behavior and sent the information collected to remote servers. There is always a risk that your computer may get infected with a dangerous threat, in which case your personally identifiable information may be put at risk. The warning saying that it will install InstallBrain Downloader to provide you with the update is a scam, which you should remove from the browser once it is displayed.
Codec Performer Update is Recommended screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
Since “Codec Performer Update is Recommended” is not a computer infections, the only way to rid the browser of it is by closing the website. However, it is not all that you have to do. The fact that “Codec Performer Update is Recommended” have appeared on your browsers implies that you have been browsing corrupted websites, which is one of the sources of various computer threats.
After you close the “Codec Performer Update is Recommended” warning, install a powerful spyware removal tool to find out where the system is not afflicted by some malicious programs. We recommend using SpyHunter because this real-time can protect you against dangerous Trojan horses, rogue anti-virus programs, adware, and many other threats that may try to access the system. The software will also save your time by running automatic system scans so that you can browse the Internet freely and safely.
In non techie terms:
“Codec Performer Update is Recommended” is a fraudulent browser notification which you should ignore in order to prevent computer infections. The warning is aimed at installing some unreliable computer application, and if you have agreed to download the update, implement SpyHunter to find out whether any malicious program is present within the system.
Aliases: Codec Update is Recommended.