Do you know what Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus is?
Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus is a computer threat which has been created to deceive you into thinking that you computer is locked by the Romanian police. However, if you cannot access the desktop, the only one to blame for it is the virus. Even though the message which is generated by the infection contains the emblem of the Romanian police (Politia Română), the credentials presented does not prove that the message is a legitimate one.
The message presented by Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat claims that your illegal actions have caused the lockdown of the system and in order to unlock the PC you are supposed to pay a release of 400 Romanian lei. Do not pay the money even though you know that Ukash and Paysafecard are legitimate and safe payment systems. If you pay the fee, the computer will remain inoperable and your further action will have to be the removal of Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus.
Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
Below you will find what statements are used to prompt you to give your money up:
Lucrul calculatoruli Dvs este suspendat din cauza ciber-activităţii nesancţionate.
Pentru a debloca calculatorul şi a evita alte consecinţe juridice sunteţi obligat să achitaţi o amendă de 400 RON.
If you do not remove Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat, the risk of getting the system infected with new malware increases considerably. Hence, use SpyHunter, to prevent adverse consequences. This tool is used to remove various ransomware infections, including Video Recording Moneypak Virus, FBI Virus, Polizei österreich Virus and others which employ the same techniques for deceiving computer users.
Do you want to remove Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus right now? Jump to the following instructions to learn how to install SpyHunter, which will remove the virus and protect the system against future infections.
Windows Vista/7:
- Reboot the computer.
- Once the BIOS screen disappears start tapping the F8 key and press Enter.
- Go to and download SpyHunter.
- Run the installer.
- Scan the PC to remove Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus.
Windows XP:
- Restart the computer.
- Continuously tap the F8 key once the BIOS screen has disappeared.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking using the arrow keys and press Enter.
- Click on Yes in the dialog box that pops up.
- Open the Start menu.
- Launch Run.
- Type “msconfig”.
- Press OK.
- Open the Startup tap.
- Click on the Disable All button.
- Click on Apply.
- Download SpyHunter.
- Reboot the PC and install the file you have downloaded.
- Run a system scan to have the virus detected and removed.
In non-techie terms:
Calculatorul Dvs Este Blocat Virus is a ransomware infection which you should remove from the system as soon as it locks your screen. The virus displays a full-screen message in behalf of the Dutch police and expects you to pay 100 euros. Do not pay the money because the threat is a scam.
Aliases: Blocat Virus.