Do you know what Ireland's National Police Service Virus is?
Ireland's National Police Service Virus is a computer infection that is categorized as ransomware. It arrives at your computer via Reveton Trojan infection and once it is installed Ireland's National Police Service Virus locks you out of your computer by displaying a fake security notice. It makes it look as though the message is delivered by the Irish National Police Service, and that is why the message might look legitimate for some users.
All messages delivered by Ukash viruses look as though they really have something to do with law enforcement agencies. Whether it is FBI MoneyPak, An Gardia Siochana or Police Nationale viruses, they all make use of symbols used by real police authorities. However, that is only how they try to scare you into paying for something you haven't committed. Ireland's National Police Service Virus tries to achieve that by blocking the access to your desktop, and by displaying a threatening message in Irish:
Ta do riomhaire cosc curtha ar sharu ar dhlithe na tire Eirinn.
Ireland's National Police Service Virus Remvoal Guide screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructionsDaileadh agus storail yavlyaetsya pornagrafaiocht i gcion coiriuil i gcomhreir le hAirteagal (Airteagal 227-23), an Choid Choiriuil na hEuireann. Cuimsionn se priosunacht ar feadh tearma de 2 go 5 bliana.
Chun a scaoilfeadh glas ar an riomhaire, ta tu fineail a ioc. De reir an Choid na hEireann, is ionann €100 ar feadh 3 la.
Since Ireland's National Police Service Virus infects users who have Irish IP addresses, its security message is also displayed in Irish. The message claims that the user's computer has been locked, because the user has downloaded media of pornographic content. It also says that, because of that the user breached the laws of the Republic of Ireland and he might face imprisonment, but EVERYTHING can go back to normal if you pay the 100 euro release fee.
The promises look nice, but Ireland's National Police Service Virus does not intend to keep them, so instead of spending your money for nothing, you should get rid of Ireland's National Police Service Virus following these steps:
- Restart your computer and start pressing F8 before the system loads.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
- When the system loads, access the Internet and download SpyHunter from
- Install it and remove Ireland's National Police Service Virus.
For Windows XP:
1. Follow instructions steps 1 to 3 above.
2. Open Start menu and click on RUN.
3. Type "msconfig" into RUN box and press Enter.
4. When System Configuration menu shows up, click the StartUp tab and uncheck all programs on the list. Click OK to save changes and exit the menu.
5. Restart the computer in Normal mode.
6. Install SpyHunter, launch it, and remove Ireland's National Police Service Virus automatically.
In non-techie terms:
Ireland's National Police Service Virus is a computer infection that does not allow you to access your desktop and demands for a ransom fee. Delete Ireland's National Police Service Virus immediately if you want to continue utilizing your computer.
Aliases: Police Service Virus.