Do you know what Best Coupons Now Promos is?
The name of the Best Coupons Now Promos extension pretty much explains what we can expect from it. Of course, we doubt that it actually can offer the “best coupons” or other kinds of deals, and that is because it primarily serves third-party advertisers. That means that what kinds of deals and coupons are shown depends on what kinds of deals and coupons these parties have ready. Due to this, it is quite possible that you would find better offers on your own. Nonetheless, some Google Chrome users might be intrigued, and they might decide to install this questionable extension. If you have installed it, you need to figure out whether or not you can trust it. If you cannot, it is best to delete it, and if you continue reading this report, you will learn how to remove Best Coupons Now Promos in no time.
Best Coupons Now Promos, according to our research team, is practically identical to LiveStreamNewsToday Promos. We know for a fact that both extensions are supported by the same Privacy Policy. It informs that the suspicious extensions can track user activity, collect information, share it with third-party advertisers, and allow them to show ads for you. Who are these third parties? Can they be trusted? We do not have any information about them, which is why we automatically distrust them. After all, we do not know what their intentions are, how they use the information available to them, or what kinds of products and services they promote. We also have found that the descriptions that are presented on appropriate Chrome web store installer pages deliver identical information. So, did you download Best Coupons Now Promos from
Although the Chrome web store installer informs that the application is offered by, you cannot download the extension from this website. Unfortunately, we doubt that all users will acquire this PUP (potentially unwanted program) from the Chrome web store. You too might have acquired it using a third-party downloader along with other suspicious extensions and programs. If that is how you installed the PUP, please inspect your operating system as soon as possible. Hopefully, malicious threats do not exist on your operating system, but if they do, you need to delete them as soon as possible. What about Best Coupons Now Promos? Should you delete it ASAP? Well, if you keep it installed, it will continue recording your browsing activity and showing you third-party ads. If you are not comfortable with that, we suggest removing the extension from Google Chrome immediately.
If you have no experience with the removal of PUPs or unwanted Chrome extensions, you might feel unprepared, but we are sure that if you follow the manual removal guide below, you will have Best Coupons Now Promos deleted in no time. Note that the guide includes steps that show how to clear browsing data, and it is up to you what kind of data ends up being cleared. We recommend clearing everything, but you should at the very least clear cookies and cache. If the PUP was installed along with something more malicious and dangerous, it is advised that you install automated anti-malware software. It will quickly scan your system, eliminate threats, and also reinstate full system protection for the future.
Remove Best Coupons Now Promos
- Open Google Chrome and enter chrome://extensions/ right into the address bar.
- Click the Remove button next to the unwanted extension.
- Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData right into the address bar.
- Go to Advanced, select a time range and boxes you want, and then click the Clear data button.
In non-techie terms:
Even though you might have been made to believe that Best Coupons Now Promos can help you shop more cost-efficiently, we doubt that this extension can provide you with genuinely good deals and coupons for different services and products. Besides that, it is known that the extension collects user information and also shares it with unknown parties to offer more attractive ads. So, if you do not want to be tracked and you do not want to be flooded with questionable deals and offers, we recommend deleting Best Coupons Now Promos. The instructions above show how to delete this PUP manually, but you should also consider implementing anti-malware software if you discover multiple PUPs, dangerous malware, or security issues. Once this software is installed, you will not need to think about removal or protection again.