Spamhaus Virus Removal Guide

Do you know what Spamhaus Virus is?

Even though The Spamhaus Project is a real law enforcer, you should not fear the notification which has locked your computer. Spamhaus Virus is a ransomware which uses the credentials of the authentic organization to trick you into believing the presented information, all of which is completely fictitious. The clandestine infection corrupts the Windows Registry and displays a bogus notification which states that you have viewed and distributed pornography or downloaded pirated music and video files. It is true that these cyber crimes are punishable by law; however, you certainly do not need to pay any attention to these accusations because they are bogus. Needless to say, you need to delete Spamhaus Virus from the computer. So what removal techniques should you employ to get rid of the threat?

The malicious ransomware displays this bogus information:

Spamhaus tracks the Internet’s spam senders and spam services, provides dependable realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify and pursue spammers worldwide.
Spamhaus Virus Removal GuideSpamhaus Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions

You have 48 hours left to enter your payment.
You have lost control over your computer. Your system and all your files has been blocked and encrypted because you were spreading the Malware (viruses, trojans, worms).
You are breaking numerous International and USA laws.

You have a chance to settle this issue right now before we contact the proper authorities. Within 48 hours, you can pay a fine of $300.

Should you pay the demanded fine? You should not because it is unlikely that the payment would help you unblock the PC. What is more, your primary goal is to remove Spamhaus Virus not to disable the fictitious notification. The same tricks have been used by other recent ransomware infections including Abu Dhabi Police GHQ Virus, POLITIE Belgique Police Fédérale Virus and Policía Nacional de Uruguay Virus. As you may already suspect, the vicious infection may be targeted at different countries all over the world; however, its primarily targets are Switzerland and the United States. Regardless of where you live, you should remove Spamhaus Virus the minute you notice it running on the computer.

To delete the malicious ransomware you need to remove the Trojan which is responsible for the misleading screen-locking alert. If you do not know how to track and delete the malignant threat manually, you certainly should entrust legitimate security software which could act automatically. If you do not know how to install authentic spyware detection and removal software onto your locked PC – follow the instructions provided below.

How to delete Spamhaus Virus?

Remove from Windows 8:

  1. Tap the Windows key to access the Metro UI start screen.
  2. Launch the browser and go to .
  3. Use the on-screen instructions to download SpyHunter.
  4. Install the automatic spyware removal tool to delete the clandestine threat.

Remove from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Firstly restart the computer.
  2. Wait for BIOS to load and immediately start tapping F8.
  3. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking.
  4. Tap the Enter key on the keyboard to apply the choice.
  5. Download and install SpyHunter.

Remove from Windows XP:

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 from the removal instructions allocated to Windows Vista/7 users.
  2. Click YES once the ‘Windows is running in safe mode’ alert shows up.
  3. Download the automatic spyware removal tool SpyHunter.
  4. Open the Start menu and launch RUN.
  5. Enter msconfig and click OK to open the System Configuration Utility.
  6. Click the Startup tab, uncheck all listed items and click OK.
  7. Restart the computer in a normal manner.
  8. Install the tool to delete running threats.

In non-techie terms:

Spamhaus Virus is a clandestine ransomware which has been developed to trick you into giving up your own money for cyber crimes you may have not even committed. Despite the authentic looking credentials, you should treat the lock-down of your computer as illegal. To restore Windows functionality you need to delete the infection, which you can do with the help of legitimate and reliable security software.

Aliases: Spam haus virus.