Do you know what Polizia Penitenziaria Virus is?
Polizia Penitenziaria Virus is a ransomware infection that belongs to Ukash Virus group of computer infections. This group of ransomware infections is called Ukash because of the alternative payment system that it uses to collect money from infected users. However, neither Ukash nor PaySafeCard (another payment system utilized by Polizia Penitenziaria Virus) have nothing in common with this group of computer threats, and they are simply used by cyber criminals because of their simplicity - users are not required to have a bank account or a credit card to transfer money via Ukash and PaySafeCard.
Therefore, Polizia Penitenziaria Virus cannot steal your money unless you allow it to. Outwardly, this ransomware infection looks like a security notification delivered by the Italian Police office. As you can tell from its title, Polizia Penitenziaria Virus infects users in Italy. It says that the user has been involved in illegal cyber activity, such as download and illegal distribution of copyrighted material, and thus his computer has been locked by the Italian State Police. If the user wants to avoid being put in jail (according to Polizia Penitenziaria Virus - for up to 12 years), he has to pay a 100 euro within 72 hours of the injunction. Otherwise, his computer will remain locked and a case will be initiated against the user in court.
Polizia Penitenziaria Virus screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
However, not a single line in the notification below is true:
ATTENZIONE! Il Suo computer e bloccato a cause di uno o piu motivi di cui sotto.
Ha violato la legge "Sul diritto d'autore e sui diritti protezione affini" (Video, Musica, Software) e ha usato illecitamente e/o ha distribuito il conent protetto dai diritti d'autore, quindi, ha violato l'art. 128 del Codice Penale dell'Italia.
La sanzione penale potrebbe sessere pagata solo nel corso di 72 ore dopo la violazione. Dopo 72 ore il termine previsto per il pagamento della sanzione penale scade, e nel corso successive 72 ore sara automaticamente promossa l'instaurazione di un procedimento penale a Suo carico!
L'importo della sanzione penale e di €100 PaySafeCard o Ukash.
Although it seems as though you will be in deep trouble if you do not pay the fine, that is not the case. Polizia Penitenziaria Virus cannot accuse you of anything, because it is a compare malware application, and you need to unblock your PC to remove Polizia Penitenziaria Virus once and for all. Keep your money to yourself and follow the instructions below to unblock your desktop:
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Reboot the PC and press F8 repeatedly until Advanced Boot Options menu appears.
- Select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
- Access and download SpyHunter.
- Install the program and run a full system scan.
Windows XP
- Reboot the PC and tap F8 key continuously.
- When Advanced Boot Options menu appears select Safe Mode with Networking. Press Enter.
- Click Yes when a confirmation box appears.
- Download SpyHunter.
- Open Start menu and launch Run.
- Enter "msconfig" and press OK.
- Click Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
- Click Disable all and click OK to save changes.
- Reboot the PC in Normal Mode.
- Install SpyHunter and preform a full system scan.
In non-techie terms:
Polizia Penitenziaria Virus is a computer infection that blocks desktop access and displays a fake notification, asking for a ransom fee. Remove Polizia Penitenziaria Virus from your system immediately, and protect yourself from this insolent scam.
Aliases: Polizia Virus.