Paysafecard Virus Removal Guide

Do you know what Paysafecard Virus is?

Paysafecard Virus is a malicious application else known as Police Virus, Investigation Department Virus, Den Svenska Polisen It-sakerhet Ukash and so on. It is one of the names of the notorious ransomware program that has infected a big number of computers in the last few months. Paysafecard Virus has many versions, because it is created to adapt to its environment - as a result, it "talks" in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and many other languages.

However, the main message that you encounter once you get infected with Paysafecard Virus, is similar to this one:


Your PC is blocked due to at least one of the specified reasons below.

You have been violating Copyright and Related Right Live (Videos, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article 1, Section B, Clause B, also known as the Criminal Code of United States of America <...>

To unlock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of 100$ <...>

When you pay the fine, your PC will get unlocked in 1 to 48 hours after the money is put into the State’s account.

If you have another version of Paysafecard Virus it might also cite the laws of Canada, United Kingdom or any other country. The amount of money it would ask you to pay can also differ. It might be 50 pounds of 100 euros. It all depends on the locale. Nevertheless, you should not feel threatened by Paysafecard Virus, because even if it does claim that you might face up to 4 or 10 years imprisonment due to the Copyright Law violation, it is an absolute lie. Even if you did download something illegally, Paysafecard Virus does not have to power to impose any legal restrictions upon you.

All this ransomware wants is money. Unfortunately, a lot of users succumb to panic and pay the supposed fine, wanting the desktop access back as soon as possible. But it goes without saying that such course of action is not an option, because Paysafecard Virus does not disappear and you lose the hard-earned money.

Unlike rogue removal, deleting Paysafecard Virus requires more work on the user's part, because it blocks you from accessing your desktop and you need it in order to remove the application. Therefore, in order to access your desktop, you need to load your system in Safe Mode with Networking (reboot your computer and press F8 while the system loads). Then download a computer security application you're going to use in removing Paysafecard Virus and install it. Remember, that you should never panic in case of such infection, because cyber criminals are very keen on exploiting confused and inexperienced users.

In non-techie terms: Paysafecard Virus is an application that displays a fake security message by locking the user's desktop. It urges the user to pay a fine for something he didn't do. Please make use of the instructions above in order to remove Paysafecard Virus from your computer as soon as you can.

Aliases: PaysafecardVirusRemovalGuide

  • zain

    i want manaul remove of this virus manually, im done with other things but can you show its REGISTRY KEYS that i have to delete

  • jesse

    Don't bother with the registering just let the scan complete and right click the unwanted file and click go to file then delete it. After everything should work again.