Do you know what MyPCBackup is?
MyPCBackup is a small desktop application which enables to back up all your files to the cloud. You can back up your pictures, documents, videos, and other files so that you can retrieve them in case the system suddenly crashes or some other serious system errors occur. In the Cloud, the data is protected by a 256 bit SSL encryption; moreover, you may access the data using any device, including mobile phones, and from different locations.
MyPCBackup is promoted by free applications, including Lyrics Fan and Linkury Smartbar, which usually alter the settings of the browsers. Unlike some browser hijackers or adware, MyPCBackup does not impair the performance of the internet browser or the system. The only unwanted feature of the application is that it displays a pop-up box offering the user to buy a bigger amount of space for his or her data. The pop-ups are not obtrusive, and if you are not going to use the application, you can simply uninstall it with the help of the removal instructions given below.
MyPCBackup screenshot
Scroll down for full removal instructions
The next time you decide to install some free application downloaded from a freeware website, do not agree to the terms before you have read the license agreement. If necessary, check or uncheck particular boxes to avoid the installation of the additional program.
How to remove MyPCBackup from the PC
Windows 8
- Press the Windows key to access the Start menu.
- Start typing control panel.
- Click the Control Panel icon.
- Select Uninstall a program.
- Remove MyPCBackup.
Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Click Start and select Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program.
- Uninstall the unwanted application.
Windows XP
- Click Start and click Control Panel.
- Click Add and Remove Programs.
- Uninstall the unwanted application.
In non-techie terms:
MyPCBackup is an online storage service which allows computer users to upload their valuable information into the Cloud, which is protected 24 hours a day. The desktop application is promoted by free programs, and if you are not going to use this service, do not install the program when it is offered by some installation wizard.
Aliases: My PC Backup.